An Inspiring Story Of Determination

Below is an audio clip of Tony Robbins, who knows Sylvester Stallone, telling the story of how Stallone got into the acting business. It's a great story well told. It's about nine minutes long. Check it out:

Stories like this are inspiring, but if that's all they are, they aren't worth a lot. But when an inspiring story is instructive, that can be worth a lot indeed.

Luckily, Stallone teaches us in the Rocky movies, and especially the last one, Rocky Balboa, what kind of thoughts gave him the persistence he needed to make it. And in the article I mentioned above, I describe the way you can think those kinds of thoughts and completely believe them, not by forcing yourself to believe something you doubt, but by searching your disheartening thoughts for the hidden mistakes. Once you find them and recognize they are false, you're free from their demoralizing effects. Your determination and motivation and persistence can then remain strong, and this makes you more likely to achieve your important goals.

So listen to Tony tell the story, and then do the work necessary to develop the kind of persistence Stallone has demonstrated in his career, and make your dreams a reality.

Adam Khan is the author of Principles For Personal Growth, Slotralogy, Antivirus For Your Mind, and co-author with Klassy Evans of How to Change the Way You Look at Things (in Plain English). Follow his podcast, The Adam Bomb.

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