This is an idea I got from Ralph Waldo Emerson. In his essay, Self-Reliance, he wrote:
If we cannot at once rise to the sanctities of obedience and faith, let us at least resist our temptations, let us enter into a state of war and wake Thor and Woden, courage and constancy, in our Saxon breasts. This is to be done in our smooth times by speaking the truth.
I have found that simply speaking the truth, at least to myself for the moment, can clarify my situation.
For example, let's say my wife asks me whether I want to go work out or not. I could just weigh the different possibilities and make a decision and say it, even if I am actually and truly undecided.
Another alternative to inventing a decision (just to decide something) is to speak the truth. I could ask myself, "What is true for me right now?"
And if I said it out loud, it might sound like this, "Well, I want to work out, but I'm hungry and I don't like working out when I'm hungry. But I think if we eat something, it'll be too late to go workout."
That's the whole truth. And after saying it, or just answering the question to myself, I often find a solution. If I'm talking to my wife, she'll sometimes see an obvious solution: "Why don't we have a quick snack now and then go work out?"
When you're at any integrity crossroads, no matter how small, you can un-jam yourself by asking, "What is true for me right now?" Try it.
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