Good Sleep For Good Moods And Good Health

Get enough sleep to improve your mood. That means seven to nine hours a night — whatever is enough to allow you to wake up feeling refreshed and to stay awake and alert the whole day. Getting enough sleep is a good idea for these six reasons:

1. You will remember things better and it will enhance your ability to solve problems.

2. You will find it easier to lose weight. Your body naturally produces leptin when you get enough sleep (a hormone that suppresses your appetite).

3. You'll be less likely to die in a car crash. People who don't get enough sleep tend to fall asleep for short periods when they're driving — just for seconds at a time, but that's enough to cause an accident.

4. Getting enough sleep will help you stay in a better mood, and your mood has consequences. You will do better work and get along with people better if you are in a better mood. And better work and better relationships have significant long-term consequences.

5. Your cardiovascular system will be healthier, so you're likely to live longer.

6. Your immune system will be more powerful. You're less likely to get sick if you regularly get enough sleep.

If you want to be healthy and stay in a good mood, one of the most important fundamentals is to get enough good quality sleep.

Adam Khan is the author of Principles For Personal Growth, Slotralogy, Antivirus For Your Mind, and co-author with Klassy Evans of How to Change the Way You Look at Things (in Plain English). Follow his podcast, The Adam Bomb.

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