The Slotralogy Of Motivation And Focus

Staying focused will help you stay motivated. Sounds easy enough, but it isn’t. Distractions and sidetracks are constantly working against you. The skill to learn is to get faster at noticing when you're off track.

Significant progress toward a goal you really want is a powerful motivator. The more focused you are, the more progress you’ll make, so the more motivated you will feel.

Distractions aren’t always negative. Alex Haley, the author of Roots, was at one point down and out, living in a cleaned out storage room, barely getting enough to eat while he banged away on his one main possession: A used manual typewriter. Haley wanted to be a writer.

His storage room was cold. It had no bathroom. He was seriously roughing it. He had been trying to make it as a writer for a year or so and he was broke. He searched around his house to see how much money he had. All added together, it was 18 cents.

Then one day, out of the blue, a friend called him and offered him a well-paying job as a public-information assistant.

At first he was very happy at the idea, but then he realized this was a like a siren-song. He was being lured away from his dream. He did the difficult thing and declined the offer, went back to his cold storage room and banged away on his used typewriter. He saw the offer as a distraction, and he re-focused his attention on his goal.

Fifteen years later, he finally he got the break he was looking for. His book, Roots, was published.

Haley was able to stay motivated because he stayed focused on a goal that was important to him.

Whatever you have chosen for your goal, you can help yourself stay motivated by staying focused. The focus will make your efforts show enough progress that you can notice things moving along. Progress is clear and obvious. That's motivating.

Stay focused on your goal by noticing when you get off track. Notice when you do something that's not related to your important goal, and stop doing it. That frees up more time to work toward your goal, which causes you to make more progress per day. Your motivation will intensify as you see the progress.

And, of course, you can use slotras to increase your focus. Say things to yourself like, "Stay on track." Use slotralogy to help you keep your attention undistracted. Read more: Focus Creates Power.

Read the next chapter: Changing Mental Habits With Slotralogy

This article was excerpted from the book, Slotralogy: How to Change Your Habits of Thought.

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