Oil company funds dozens of front groups and researchers trying to discredit links between fossil fuels and climate change – or denying climate change was occurring at all

"Members of the Rockefeller family tried to get ExxonMobil to acknowledge the dangers of climate change a decade ago – but failed in their efforts to reform the oil giant.

"In letters, lunch meetings, and shareholder resolutions, the descendants of John D Rockefeller, founder of the oil empire that eventually became Exxon, sought repeatedly to persuade the company to abandon climate denial and begin shifting their business towards clean energy.

"'The head of investor relations was really surprised to find we didn’t love Exxon as it was but thought changes might be a good idea,' said Neva Rockefeller Goodwin.

"Over the next few years, Goodwin and about a dozen other Rockefellers launched three separate shareholder resolutions pressing Exxon to recognise climate change and invest in renewable energy. The cousins also sought an independent chairman, believing it would make the company more responsive.

"At the time the oil company was the main funder of dozens of front groups and researchers rubbishing any link between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change – or denying climate change was occurring at all."

Read the whole article: Rockefeller family tried and failed to get ExxonMobil to accept climate change.

Needless to say, this is not fuel competition. This is not fuels competing with each other in a competitive marketplace. This is deceptive, monopolistic non-competition.

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