If Alzheimer's Could Be Reversed, You Would Have Heard About It, Right?

When I tell people about reversing Alzheimer's, the first reaction people have is something like, "If this was legit, it would be front page news. Everybody would know about it." This specter that everyone fears, this nightmare that millions of people are going through right now, none of this has to happen? Somebody has discovered a way out? This is monumental news! This is shout-from-the-rooftops, create-a-national-holiday kind of news. If it was true, we all would have heard about it for sure! Right?

But Alzheimer's has been reversed by Dale Bredesen, MD, in hundreds of people for over twelve years now. Almost everyone who has tried it has been able to reverse their cognitive decline, and yet hardly anybody has heard about it. How can that be?

If you need a little background on this before you go on, read this: The Ruthless Progression of Alzheimer's Can Be Reversed. You'll find out how it is being done.

But this kind of public reaction is really nothing new. The same thing happened a few decades ago with heart disease. Doctors were quite certain that heart disease was progressive. If you had a heart attack, you would definitely have another one and it was probably what would kill you, and with enough effort and money you might be able to do something to slow down the progression, but it couldn't be reversed. That was a long-established "fact."

And then Dean Ornish proved it could be reversed. Was it front page news? Did doctors suddenly change the way they spoke to their patients with heart disease? No, they didn't. It took years — decades before the status quo changed. And in the meantime, many in the medical establishment were hostile and dismissive of Ornish's work. Sure. Right. You can unclog arteries with a vegetarian diet, yoga and communication skills. Ridiculous. And all the while, Ornish's clinic was doing it every day.

This doesn't prove Bredesen has actually found a way to reverse Alzheimer's, of course, but it does explain why if you went to a doctor right now and were diagnosed with Alzheimer's, the doctor would probably tell you Alzheimer's is fatal and incurable, and it's a progressive disease, but with enough money and effort, its progression might be slowed, but it certainly can't be reversed.

There's a quote by Machiavelli that seems fitting here. He wrote, "It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success nor more dangerous to manage than the creation of a new system. For the initiator has the enmity of all who profit by the preservation of the old institution and merely lukewarm defenders in those who would gain by the new one." 

But you don't have to wait for the medical establishment to get up to speed. You can look into it right now and start reversing your cognitive decline yourself. Follow the link above to find books, interviews, a TED talk, and Bredesen's website to get started.

Adam Khan is the author of Antivirus For Your Mind: How to Strengthen Your Persistence and Determination and Feel Good More Often and co-author with Klassy Evans of How to Change the Way You Look at Things (in Plain English)Subscribe to his blog here. You can email him here.

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